Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Operation Sexy 2008 IS GO!

Happy New Year!

As the new year arrives, it's time to put Operation Sexy 2008 into effect.

The goal from now on is a detirmined, focused effort to get sexy in 2008. I have 365 days starting... NOW!

I've dicussed some of the issues that I'm aiming to resolve in Operation Sexy. Most pressing of these has to be weight and fitness - and that's something I've got to sort out now. The fact that I'm writing this with a cheeseburger in my tummy and an ice-cold Fosters beside me probably doesn't bode well...

But as I've said before - diet doesn't work.


Because diets force you to act differently to how you would normally act and that takes an enormous amount of willpower and self control. And if we all had that willpower and self control, we wouldn't be overweight anyway.

No, it's a much simplar proposition. I have to look at my life and work out why I consume more calories than I expend - and figure out what I can do to correct that.

I get up in the morning and I rarely have breakfast. Lunch tends to be a chicken sandwich and can of Mountain Dew. Supper, when I get home from work, is where I cram the calories in because I tend to have one-two... maybe three or four beers or glasses of wine with it. Plus grazing on chocolate chips, squares of cheese. Whatever's going, really.

I need to FOCUS my attention during the evenings so I have something else to concentrate on other than eating food and sitting like a lump in front of the TV.

Now I'm considering the gym. I seriously am. But gyms always seem boring and running on a treadmill gives me images of a hamster in a ball. So that's not where I see my success.

In fact, I think I'll achieve my target through taking a COURSE in karate or tai kwon do or something. The martial arts aspect will give me exercise and give me the chance to learn self defence and disculipne, which will in itself help boost my confidence (one of the other aspects I feel needs work.)

Plus, it'll get me out of the house for a few hours and get me sweating instead of shovelling nuts and cheese into my mouth (washed down with beer.)

So watch this space to see how Operation 2008 kicks off in earnest!

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