Thursday, December 27, 2007

What is Operation Sexy?

It's come to my attention that I'll be 30 in just over a month.

And the sad thing? I'll feel it.

Sure, I'm a long way from where I started. But I've never felt older, fatter and less attractive than ever. I've always dreamed of being the suave, handsome, elegant and debonair one. Instantly and unforgettably attractive. Suave. Sophisticated. Confident and sexy. James Bond without needing a handgun to compensate for my inadequacies.

So for 2008 I have a plan. It's a year long plan (I'll leave 5 year plans to the Stalinists.)

I'm going to get thin, confident, sexy and suave. I'm going to see if it's possible to revamp myself and my life to be everything I hope I could be.

Operation Sexy is a 365 day project to transform my life and myself into something incredible.

And here's where you can find out how successful I am at it.

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