Friday, December 28, 2007


There's a reason why most people's diets fail - because people rely on willpower alone to sustain them. And those people who truly have willpower aren't fat anyway.

I can only foresee failure if my pound-shedding plan consists of nothing more spectacular than 'eating less.' Because I get tired. I get lazy. I get hungry and that winds up with me getting fat.

No, it'll take more. It'll take a change in lifestyle. I need to kick it up a notch.

But in some ways, this is a good thing. Earlier in my blog, I identified the personality aspects women find attractive (which I shall use as my measuring stick for 'sexy.')

Not one of them involved men who sat around watching TV.

No, the buzz words were 'success' and 'excitement.' So I need to use my evenings to more productively - in some endeavour that will keep me out of the kitchen.


One aspect I've considered is that of exercise.

I've already identified that I don't get enough of it. I'm fat, lazy and I flop about on the sofa far too much. I need to get active and I need to get moving.

I need to do some exercise.

But just as I've identified that a 'willpower only' diet would be futile, joining a gym would probably be a waste of time and money as well. I can't stand gyms - the endless queues for exercise equipment. The dreary smell - and the machines!

I can't think of anything more futile and soul destroying than sitting on a treadmill for forty minutes, running to nowhere. It'd be like being a hamster in a wheel.

Besides - exercise is good for you, but it's not a spectacular weight loss tool. It'll make you fitter, faster and stronger, but working on the equation that it takes 3,500 burnt calories to shed one pound of weight, you'd have to spend 14 hours walking on a treadmill to burn just one pound off!

No, if I'm going to do some exercise, it'll be something that stimulates more than just my sweat glands. Maybe a martial art or something. That in itself will be exciting - one of the 'sexy' characteristics I identified earlier - and it'll help me get fit and burn calories.

I need to find a physical activity that interests me. Only then will I be able to change my lifestyle and get up off the sofa.

Diets based around willpower alone NEVER work.

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